The Gender War is Real

The Gender War is Real They just don’t believe black men are worth a damn…. All of us… Not some of us… They point at our worst and claim that its our best. They point at entertainers we hate and claim that’s our intellectual leaders. They see a negative story in the media about black men,…

To Wear Makeup Or Not and Further Explorations into Black Femininity

Originally posted on Joshua Lawrence Lazard:
One of the many navel-gazing pasttimes of Americans in the 21st century is to look at celebrities with no make-up.  Wait, let me be specific, we look at female celebrities with no make-up.  I’m not even sure the genre of male celebs in no make-up even exists.  Over the past…

No Lost Art: Brothers are down to pursue their love interest.

Erica Renee of Madame Noire has recently wrote about men of my generation losing or lacking the ability to properly court a women. Understanding the African-American gender war and why black women are literally swooning openly and publicly for men of other races (Some claiming to feel like princesses when out with any non-black man) I…